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The tiger's been gone for ten gazillion years, which is great news for T-Rab. He successfully defended his territory from the tiger spy. Yes!
Wait a minute! How'd that tiger get back in the classroom? And why are the students so happy to see him? Don't they know he's up to no good, plotting against their beloved Tyrabbisaurus Rex?
Well, it's a good thing T-Rab's got a plan to save the world from that dastardly spy of a tiger!
Warning: This book contains bunny poop, fierce Tyrabbisaurus Rexes and a rampaging Tiger-Spy. Read at your own risk.

Meet Melvin Moose
He used to love being a moose shifter,
but then his antlers came in.
Now they're making his life miserable,
exploding from his head every time he's near a girl.
Surviving high school has never been so hard.
Meet Tyrabbisaurus Rex
He will not answer to the name Cuddle Bunny!
Or Snookums. Or Baby-Poo. Or Sweetie Pie.
His name is Rex, people, Rex, and he ROAAAARS at you
with the power of his mind!